Re: [Evolution] Missing Groupwise features in evolution 2.4

What is the version of evolution-data-server (right one to have is
1.4.1) u have ? If you had created the account without the groupwise
account setup plugin enabled, your addressbook, Calendar, Tasks will not
appear. So with the groupwise account setup enabled, re-enabling the
account from preferences should get your calendar,tasks, addressbook. If
it still does not show up, run EDS in a seperate terminal
(<prefix>/libexec/evolution-data-server-<version>) with the environment
variable GROUPWISE_DEBUG set as 1, re-enable the account as mentioned
above from evolution.  See if any warnings appear in EDS. Please send it
to pchenthill novell com or kharish novell com . We shall look into it
and sort out the issue. You can also catch us in xchat (irc server,
GIMPNET), in #evolution, nicks: chen, harish.

thanks, Chenthill.
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 06:55 -0800, Scott Anderson wrote:
I recently upgraded to evolution 2.4.1 from 2.0.3.  I have been using evolution to access our
Groupwise server before the upgrade.  I am excited to use the integrated features with Groupwise
7, but they are not showing up.

I have seen other users evolution accounts setup with the same Groupwise server, and they are
different than mine.  They were not using evolution before, so I think the Groupwise account setup
plugin enabled some things for them that are not enabled for me.

So my question is, how do I enable the full Groupwise functionality.  The missing parts are:

No Groupwise contact (address book).
No Groupwise calendar
No Groupwise tasks

Thanks for the help.

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