Re: [Evolution] subject no formated(such as =?UTF-8?Q?=E5=9B=9E=EF=BF=BD=EF=BF=BD?= )

On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 20:35 +0800, Hellwolf Misty wrote:
I'm using Evolution 2.2.3 in FC4.
And I often receive messages contains something like:
=?gb2312?Q?IBM_developerWorks_=D6=D0=B9=FA=CD=F8=D5=BE=CA=B1=CA=C2? =

Can Evolution convert such subject?
It should try to make better guesses IMHO, but 99/100 the subject itself
is technically broken because its encoded wrong.  There was a long
thread about this maybe a year ago.

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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