Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0.3 and Default URL Handler :: SuSE 9.2 :: Update**

On Sun, 2005-02-06 at 10:45 -0500, Charles (Ximian) wrote:
It turns out that the problem is related ONLY to Novell's Cool Solutions
emails.. Very odd.. Infact if I click the links on the bottom of the
page, it works.. 

If I mouse over the "whats new" links it says.. Click to open #1, click
to open #2, etc..

if you go down the page and click a normal link, like one to novell's
patches and files, it works and when you mouse over it, it says "click
to open "http://www.novell...";

Any reason I would not be able to open these novell emails, perhaps they
are using some script to push the links?
the links you refer to are internal anchor links **within** the html
email and not weblinks. opening a browser would make no sense at all.
it could be a bug because evolution's html component does not scroll the
html email to the targets of those internal anchor links, by the way.


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