Re: [Evolution] Logging out of GNOME while Evolution is still open??

Given that Evolution apparently has no SM capabilities then am I taking
a risk to leave Evolution open when logging out in terms of potentially
corrupting my email or should I first quit Evolution then log out?  

Is there a definitive answer on this?  

You'll lose *part* of any open, unsent email, but, if you use
Maildir (directly or via IMAP), you won't (can't?) lose anything.
wu-imap (which uses mbox) might protect you also.

Thanks for the additional input ya all :).  

You know I have been trying and trying and trying to find information on
how to get Evolution to store and otherwise process Emails in Maildir
format vs it's default mbox format and have not been able to find

Does anyone know how to get Evolution to use Maildir? 

Speaking of not loosing anything through the use of Maildir I am not
sure that's entirely accurate by the way :).  I was using Maildir under
KMail for over a year until it corrupted hundreds of my emails through a
bug it had that corrupted the indexes.  



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