[Evolution] Re: evolution digest, Vol 1 #1711

On Mon, 2005-28-02 at 06:32 -0500, evolution-request lists ximian com

From: Ron Johnson <ron l johnson cox net>
To: Evolution ML <evolution ximian com>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 23:04:05 -0600

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 21:43 -0700, Evolution List wrote:
Hi Ron, 

Thanks for the additional input ya all :).  
Are Canadians allowed to say "ya all"?  Aren't you only allowed
to say, "hozers, eh"?
Well I'll let you in on a little secret :).  I'm actually an American
who lived in Florida before I came up North.  Although I have been more
I think you're the only person who has ever left Florida to move

I'm also from Cali/Miami/Jamaica, and I'm up here in this frozen
wasteland also.
It sucks, and they're trying to deport me now.
On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 23:48 -0500, Gangalino wrote:
You think I would lie about something like this?
no, of course not! i just haven't read the help because i just never
find what i'm looking for... :-) it wasn't meant offensive, sorry.

I was just trying to be funny, no offensive taken.
Check your help- 3.6  Create Rules to Automatically Or Organize Mail:
"For example, your filters could put copies of one message into multiple
folders, or keep one copy and send one to another person."
Which would be a perfectly normal use of a filter.
YOUR bug link, however, is untrue. :)
yes, sorry, should have been


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