Re: [Evolution] evolution and courier-imap-ssl


thanks for the input. I have solved the problem - I has procmail
incorrectly configured. Now all is working as it should.

With best regards,

On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 12:24 -0500, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 21:34 +0100, Darryl Cousins wrote: 

I am using courier-imap-ssl on the server.
Folders are being read by evolution but are showing up as empty in evolution.
The server is not sending the messages. Any clues as to why not?

sending : A00097 SELECT INBOX
received: * FLAGS (\Draft \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Recent)
received: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Draft \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen)] Limited
received: * 0 EXISTS
received: * 0 RECENT
received: * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1104660807] Ok
received: * OK [MYRIGHTS "acdilrsw"] ACL
received: A00097 OK [READ-WRITE] Ok
you have no mail. server says so.


Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Novell, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -
darryl darrylcousins net nz
106 Sandes St
New Zealand
*64 7 8683139

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