Re: [Evolution] imap error message is annoying]

Yes, the mail server is, I believe, broken.  It doesn't seem to send a
'BYE' before it disconnects, which is required by the IMAP spec.  All
the same, I believe evolution is equally broken since it informs me that
the IMAP server is funky 18 times per day, which is entirely unhelpful.
It would be vastly more helpful for evolution to just show the little
plug on the status bar as disconnected.

To answer your question, I set the polling interval to 2 minutes.


On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 10:27 +0800, Gideon N. Guillen wrote:
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 10:43:32 -0800, Jay Kreps <ejk ucsc edu> wrote:
That is an excellent suggestion, but unfortunately that was the
thing I tried.  The server disconnects after ~10 minutes regardless
whether or not you are idle.  Thus changing the mail checking
doesn't have any effect.
How many minutes did you set Evolution for the polling interval
If it still disconnects even if you set Evolution to retrieve new mail
automatically at at time lesser than 10 minutes (let's say every 5
minutes) or if you check it manually every 10 minutes, then the mail
server must be broken.

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