Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.4.6 to Evo 2.2, SuSE to Ubuntu

On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 12:38, guenther wrote:
whenever I highlight a folder or file, I get the following
message (where "Widget" represents the folder or file name):

Error while storing folder 'Inbox/Widgets'.

Cannot create folder on
/home/kelly/.evolution/mail/local/inbox.sbd/Widgets: Permission denied
hmm. of course it's a stupid answer, but you did make sure that you have
all permission set properly? :-)

Andre - Yes, it does appear to be a permission "thing." I've got some
folks trying to help me with it. I'll report back if I find a solution.
Otherwise, I'm going to delete Ubuntu and re-install and start over.  
So, did adjusting the ownership (UID, GID) and maybe the file
permissions of ~/.evolution/mail/local/ (recursively, including all
files [1]) solve this?


[1] and directories, which actually are files, too
No. And somehow, I managed to screw-up an .xsession file in the process
and now can no longer even login to Ubuntu!  :-( So close and yet, so
far away ...

I'm ready to just delete Ubuntu and start over. However, 1) deleting
Ubuntu won't delete grub in the MBR, so I don't know what to do unless
the new install will overwrite the old; and 2) I still don't know how to
solve the original problem: owner ID on both is "kelly" but UID on SuSE
is 500 and on Ubuntu is 1000. So, I might end up in the same place as
before. Running chown and chmod didn't solve anything.

Thanks.  Kelly
Kelly J. Morris <kjmlists comcast net>

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