Re: [Evolution] IMAP questions

On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 14:47 +0200, Thomas Emmel wrote:
Hi there,

after more than five years of disconnection to that list I will start to
bother you again with some questions ;-)

First of all: how active is the development of evolution now?
Absolutely flat-out - like it has been for the each one of last 5+
years.  Apart from a bit of a decline in developer numbers leading up to
when Novell bought us.

It seems to me that there is a bit the kick left over the years and
since Novell aquired Ximian
there are a lot of links going to dead ends...
Well thats just the sucky web site - the switch over did seem to make a
pigs breakfast of everything.  There are plenty of developers working on
it; probably more than ever before, but they're working on more too
(exchange, groupwise, qa, etc).

Now my main question:
We just started to change our e-mail-server from pop to imap4 but it
seems to me that
the implementation of imap in evolution is a bit poor since I get a lot
of crashes here and have a lot of problems to connect properly or see my
folders and so on.
If you can just use pop, you'll probably find it's better.  IMAP (in
evolution) is pretty slow.  Although it shouldn't crash either.

Which imap implementation are you using?  "imap4rev1" is newer but less
battle hardened and thus buggier than the "imap" one.  I never get
crashes with it (where 'never' is defined as not enough to notice or
recall), although I only use it for one mostly idle account (Novell
mail ...).

However, there are a lot of things I like in evolution and I don't want
to switch to anything else
if I can avoid that but thunderbird and kmail and felamimail and all the
others don't make such a trouble with imap.

Is there anything I can do or you can do for me?
If you are using imap4, try imap, otherwise try to update I guess.  I
can't remember when the 64-bit fixes went in, but you should have most
of them already.  But 2.2.1 is old enough that 2.2.3 is worth a look,
even though there don't seem to be any specific imap problems fixed
since then (like i said, it is pretty stable; performance is the

Unfortunatelly I am currently running evo on a suse93/opteron and I lost
all my old red-carpet-channels for an update to a newer version. Does
anyone know a location to connect to to get the current snapshots of
You're doing better than me, I never had any redcarpet channels for my
amd64 box with suse-somethingorother (some internal novell beta)!

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