Re: [Evolution] Evo 2.0 + MailDir format

Hi Ow, 

That's where I missed what you did.  I had previously thought that to
enable the account one had to just simply create it.  I see what you did
now and sure enough when I checkmark that little, itty, bitty, quirky
check box :) the directory shows up.  When I uncheck it the folder goes

IIRC, the same behaviour is also in the other mail-readers and not only
in Evo.

I want to say more.. but I refrain.. :-D

Well that's not quite correct Ow.  KMail is nothing like Evolution in
how it deals with Maildirs.  It's straightforward and clear in KMail.  

Come to think about it it's really bizarre the way Evolution sets this
up.  I mean Mail Accounts by normal definition have to do with receiving
and sending email.  When you set up an account and go to the receiving
tab in the dialog you are presented with a need to select the Server
Type.  What Maildir format has to do with Server Type is beyond me.  

Server Type is more like POP, IMAP, Novell Groupwise or other such
thing.  It has nothing to do with the type of directory in which emails
are saved.  That's just downright confusing and unintuitive.  It's
putting something inside the Mail Account set up dialog that more
appropriately belongs as a context menu item during a right click on a
folder.  In the folder pane.  

Where one could right click, bring up the context menu, and select the
type of directory to make of a folder.  

It doesn't seem like the Server Type and the inclusion of these kinds of
formats for directories in which email are saved was well thought out.  

In line with this why does Evolution show the folder or not depending on
whether one enables the account or not?  That also seems downright
silly.  I mean once one has email in those folders it would seem that
Evolution should continue to show those folders since the email is still
there.  Whether or not the account is enabled or disabled.  But with one
little checkmark the folder, poof, disappears from view such that one
must remember it's there full of emails and that one must enable an
account to see them again.  That's just silly and not well thought out
if you ask me.  Having the enabling of a Mail Account determine whether
a folder shows up or not is not very intuitive according the common
understanding of Mail Accounts having to do with sending or receiving
mail.  And not with making a folder appear or disappear again.  

What's worse is that none of this seems to be documented and users are
left to their own devices to figure this out.  

Just my two cents.  


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