Re: [Evolution] Any suggested workarounds for yet one more interface quirk?

Well that depends Pete.  99% of the users I know in Linux like to use
the keyboard as much as possible without having to constantly resort to
the mouse.  It's more efficient that way once you get used to how to
work with an application using the keyboard.  
I agree with Carlos. I like to have the choice of doing things with the
mouse or the keyboard. If my hand is on the keyboard, it's usually
faster to use it than to move to the mouse and back. Usually both my
hands are on the keyboard, and I prefer to use it for most things.
Besides, I can navigate a lot faster with a keyboard than is possible
with a mouse.

The mouse is more intuitive, especially for things I don't do often
enough to remember the keyboard shortcuts, and is also useful if I'm
already using the mouse as it saves me from having to move my hand from
the mouse to the keyboard and back.

I've never really used Outlook but I am guessing that it too
is very mouse centric.  
I very rarely use the mouse with Outlook. I can navigate it very well
with just the keyboard. In fact I don't use the mouse much with Windows.

One should be able to traverse the content of an
email more intuitively with keys like Ctrl-downarrow and Ctrl-uparrow
instead of using Backspace and Space
Don't PageUp and PageDown work for you? They do for me.

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