Re: [Evolution] evolution 2.0.4 : small font in ASCII composer, normal in HTML

Again me : if I use any gnome tool, it starts gnome-settings-daemon and
font change to a better shape...

On ven, 2005-03-04 at 21:05 +0100, Charles Bueche wrote:

platform : laptop with Gentoo, evolution 2.0.4 emerged. evo 2.0.4 needed
pango, shared-mime-info, gtk+, libgnomeui, and evolution-data-server.
Now, composing emails in ASCII is using a very small font for the body.
I didn't touch the setup.

When composing HTML messages, the body looks OK. Hints ?

Charles Bueche <bueche netnea com> : your best source for ultra-geeks !

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