Re: [Evolution] Exchange Outlook Mail Catagories

:>( !!!!!!!!!

Being as Evolution Connector uses HTML (OWA) function to interface with
exchange I wanted to check into if even OWA had the ability to see these
stupid flags. (Our IS department was planning on an upgrade to the new
OWA interface and so was trying to buy some time) 

As it stands I have tried to find some way IMAP interface can see these
flags embedded in the emails but it seems to be some server thing. I
have vi a half dozen emails before their being flagged and after and
their seems to be nothing in the mail itself about flags. If this can
not be fixed I have been given marching orders to convert to Outlook. I
have a couple weeks to find a way around it but that is all. I have
about 3GB of eMail to convert (though I will enjoy crushing the email
server as a little retribution for forcing me back to Lookout).

If their is any hope please chime in. If their is hope I can possibly
buy some time but my boss has been supportive of my SuSE jump but can
not justify upstream my deviation if it impacts the business flow.

PS: Their is still a debate that we will be converting all the global
boxes into a Lotus Notes system. If this is the case how can / will
Evolution interface with this environment? If it CAN interface with
Notes then I may use that to buy more time, but if not I will have to
work harder to get Lotus Notes Client to work under wine (which is
another user group I get to work with now :>)


On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 16:51 -0500, Jeremey Wise wrote:
No, it is NOT in OWA.. which means it would be parsing the mail to get
the flag. What I have found is that someone has to have modify rights on
the email to 'flag' it and as such have attached two email examples. One
without the flag and one with. The problem I had is that as the mailbox
is IMAP I had to send two emails because as I suck down the eMail via
IMAP it does not seem to get updated. I opened it up with vi and tried
to find the 'categories' field but not much luck. Their did not seem to
be any differences. Their HAS to be some way I can 'see' these stupid
flags. (I would like to set them also but If I have to revert to Outlook
to set a flag I will)

On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 16:39 -0500, JP Rosevear wrote: 
On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 15:19 -0500, Jeremey Wise wrote:
Just wanted to post more details I just received  for those willing to

The other group uses the "Categories" field within Outlook to mark an
accordingly.  We can do this as well, using one of the default
categories (or we can decide what kind of category we want to use and
implement it on the server)

To start the ball rolling here, is this category stuff even available
when using straight OWA in a web browser?


Jeremey Wise
jeremey wise agilysys com

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