Re: [Evolution] Exporting Contacts?

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 20:12 +0100, guenther wrote:
How do I go about exporting my Contacts as a CSV list, please? 
Running Evo 2.2.3 Mandriva 2006
As an additional note to the answers already posted:

Select the Contacts you want to export, File / Save as vCard, which
results in a nice standard vCard file. Then google for "vcf2csv" or
"vcard2csv". There are some solutions out there to process vCard files
and gnerate a "comma separated value" file... HTH


Thanks to all who helped on this.  I found the perl script vcf2csv and
it worked fine once I figured out how to run it.  The amazing thing
about Linux and the help that is available is that I find myself doing
things which I never would have expected I could ever achieve 4 years
ago.  So I have grown in my ability and knowledge, incrementally, and it
has stuck.  So thanks very much for your part in the process, I truly
appreciate it.  I will sign off and start another thread now.

Andrew Greig

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