Re: [Evolution] Deleting a whole thread

On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 20:38 +0100, guenther wrote:
I migrated from mutt to evolution and would like to know if it's
possible to delete a whole thread message like in Mutt with one
command (Key shortcut) instead of marking all the threads and then
deleting them ?
What about Edit / Select Thread (Ctrl-H) and then delete?

Not just one accelerator, but at least down to two, rather than marking
all messages of a thread manually. FWIW, Select Thread selects the
sub-thread with the current mail as parent, so it's easily possible to
delete a boring part of ongoing discussion, but still keep the
interesting parts. ;)
IMHO this is "bug redefined as feature". When I delete a thread I
invariably want to delete all of it, so I have to laboriously look for
the head in order to select the whole thing.

Two possible alternatives would be:

1) An accelerator for "go to the head of the current thread".
2) Shift-Ctrl-H for "select the entire thread".


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