Re: [Evolution] evolution + maildir

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 17:32 -0700, Chris Haumesser wrote:
1.  In addition to the Inbox of my local maildir, I see a second empty
Inbox folder that evolution has apparently added on its own.  Where does
this Inbox come from, and can it be deleted or hidden from the folder
list?  (screenshot:  Note that
my mail does show up properly in the maildir Inbox (screenshot:
Evolution wants your inbox to be $MAILDIR/ not $MAILDIR/inbox/ - I don't
know if there's any way to change that.

2.  There is also an extra empty folder named .#evolution.  Can I hide
this from my folder list, or delete it?  What is its purpose, and where
has it come from?  (screenshot:
Looks like it's where Evolution stores metadata for the Junk folder
(which doesn't appear to exist on disc).  I don't think it should appear
in the folder list, though - bug?


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