Re: [Evolution] French spell check

Le mardi 25 octobre 2005 à 19:32 +0200, Alexandre Aractingi a écrit :
Le mardi 25 octobre 2005 à 19:20 +0200, Frederic Crozat a écrit :
This is a bug I've never been able to tackle properly unfortunately
gnome-spell). Try this :
-exit evolution
-run evolution --force-shutdown
-run gconftool-2 --unset /GNOME/Spell/mtime

restart evolution and check dictionnaries list, it should be updated
Great, it works! Thanks for the tip!
Would you mind opening a bug on (mandriva-2006),
on gnome-spell with your problem, so I don't forget I need to fix it :)

Frederic Crozat <fcrozat mandriva com>

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