Re: [Evolution] directories to save for update

Andre Klapper wrote:

hi joep,

Am Samstag, den 22.04.2006, 12:54 +0200 schrieb Joep Blom:

I have a lot of problems, upgrading from FC4 to FC5. Therefore I like to do something drastic, i.e. reformatting the partitions it uses and installing FC5 from scratch.
Evolution stores your data in $HOME/.evolution, your account settings in
$HOME/.gconf/apps/evolution and your passwords in
$HOME/.gnome2_private/Evolution. SSL Certificates are stored in

First of all, shut Evolution and its background processes (Evolution
Data Server, Evolution Alarm Notify) completly down by using "evolution
Then copy the contents of $HOME/.evolution/,
$HOME/.gnome2_private/Evolution, $HOME/.camel_certs.
Then dump your Evolution settings stored in GConf by running
"gconftool-2 --dump /apps/evolution > some-file.xml" where
"some-file.xml" is the name of the file the information is written to.

On the new partition, make sure you are not running GConf (by "ps ax |
grep gconf" for example; you normally have to leave Gnome for that and
then run "gconftool-2 --shutdown" on the shell).
Then import those settings by running "gconftool-2 --load some-file.xml"
and log in to Gnome again, also copy the three folders
($HOME/.evolution/, $HOME/.gnome2_private/Evolution,

After that, you can start Evolution on the new partition. Should work,
as there were no changes between 2.2/FC4 and 2.6/FC5.



Evolution-list mailing list
Evolution-list gnome org

Thanks!. That was exactly the information I was looking for.
Even gconftool-2 works on a text console as apparently gnome is running (pretty useless I think). The buggy upgrade has also removed the whole evolution package! so I even cannot run evolution on a remote system and therefore my addresses and appointments are unreachable!
Well, I'll start to work (and waste a weekend).

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