Re: [Evolution] Wish: Uncached IMAP folders

Le lundi 24 avril 2006 à 11:05 -0400, Jeffrey Stedfast a écrit :
On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 22:31 +0200, Jerome Warnier wrote:
Le mercredi 19 avril 2006 à 13:52 +0100, Pete Biggs a écrit :
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 08:39 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
For me, I would like a way of selectively marking folders for checking
for new mail - mail only appears in some of my folders (mainly as a
result of server side filtering), the vast majority either get populated
as a result of Evo filters, or things get put there manually.  At the
moment Evo takes ages to sort itself out when I first start it because
it goes through all my subscribed folders looking for new mail - I don't
want to untick the 'Check for new messages in all folders' because there
are some folders that I want to check - I don't want to unsubscribe the
folders because I use the (unchanging) information in them.
Using the IDLE IMAP extension is probably better, though...
I don't think you quite understand how IDLE works (or, rather, /doesn't/
Well, no then. Please tell me...

Jérôme Warnier
FLOSS Consultant

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