Re: [Evolution] Always asking for password

Hello Michael and others,

Am Samstag, den 09.12.2006, 12:09 -0800 schrieb Michael Fakaro:
Had the same problem when I went to from Suse 10.1 - Suse 10.2

A fellow was good enough to give me the following info

You can work around it this way

test Merlin:~> gnome-keyring-daemon

test Merlin:~> export GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-qdYsbQ/socket
test Merlin:~> export GNOME_KEYRING_PID=16304

Substitute your socket and pid info in the above commands

Then start evo from the command line and away you go
It is not usefull to type in this everyday, but it would be possible to
automate this by means of a script. Has anybody already written such a
script? So I would not need to invent it twice.


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