Re: [Evolution] lost contacts

The default system addressbook is in
~/.evolution/addressbook/local/system. If you've got the addressbook.db*
files from your backup, can you not just overright those files?

On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 11:40 -0800, Greg Tassone wrote:
On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 12:31 +0100, Nicola wrote:
Hi all...
since some day I have a problem with gnome, and today I've decided to
solve it drastically removing all .gnome .gnome2 .gconf etc directories.
Now gnome functions but Evolution has lost all my addresbooks except the
... the default addressbook)
 i've fount that
in .evolution/addressbook/local are some folders with my contacts. The
problem is that the import procedure doesn't recognize those files...

I don't have your answer, but wanted to at least give you some
background.  The directories you deleted contain the
settings/configuration for your Contracts (address books).  The actual
data is stored in your "~/.evolution" directory.

This is good news in that you haven't lost your data.  However, short of
restoring the configuration directories from backups, I'm not sure what
process you would use to make those address-books visible again.  I'm
sure one of the devs/bug-squashers will have some ideas for you.

~ Greg

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