Re: [Evolution] Evolution not working - can't find a solution!

Thanks for the comments. I sell books worldwide and therefore have to deal with emails from any country. 
However, when this problem happened none of the mail appeared to be in anything other than English. The last 
message to download was a press release from a respectable German company (in English) which had about five 
attached files amounting to about 2MB total (I have seen the message on my old Windows PC).

I'm not familiar with pine, ucbmail, emacs (I'm new to Linux) - are you saying I could get rid of this last 
message with this software?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Leyland" <pcl23 gen cam ac uk>
To: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution not working - can't find a solution!
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 09:51:31 +0100

We see this occasionally --- message-of-death we call it locally.
Almost always the m-o-d is spam in a Chinese character set.

The easiest way to deal with a m-o-d is to delete it using some other
software.  Some people prefer to fire up pine or ucbmail; I tend to use
Emacs myself.

We generally advise that spam is delivered to a folder which has the
preview pane inactive.  Very rarely is it necessary to see the contents
of a mail to determine its spamicity.  In particular, if the subject
isn't in a Roman alphabet the message is flushed instantly.   I
recognize that this heuristic isn't appropriate for everyone everywhere.


On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 17:55 -0400, evolution-list-request gnome org
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 20:22:08 +0100
From: "Peter Barnes" <scribus operamail com>
Subject: [Evolution] Evolution not working - can't find a solution!
To: evolution-list gnome org
Message-ID: <20060531192208 EB364244F6 ws5-3 us4 outblaze com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"

I'm using Evolution 2.4.1 on Ubuntu 5.10 and Gnome 1.12.1.

My problem began yesterday when I clicked on a new mail message just
arrived in Evolution. What I got was a warning: "The application
"Evolution" has quit unexpectedly" and the options of "Restart
Application", "Close", or "Inform Developers". Restart simply closed
Evolution. When I opened Evolution again I got the same warning - and
the same result on clicking either Restart or Close. Restarting the PC
makes no difference. If I click outside the warning box it freezes the
PC. At present I have no access to my mail.

If I start Evolution in the terminal I get the same result and in
terminal it shows:

adding hook target 'source'

(evolution:7993): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_gc_set_foreground: assertion
`GDK_IS_GC (gc)' failed

(evolution:7993): GnomeCanvas-CRITICAL **:
gnome_canvas_request_redraw: assertion `GNOME_IS_CANVAS (canvas)'
evolution: tif_jpeg.c:1505: JPEGCleanup: Assertion `sp != 0' failed.

To make sure I kept my mail, I backed up .evolution
and .gconf/apps/evolution. Then I did a reinstall of Evolution...but
still had the problem. So then I did a complete removal followed by
installation of Evolution...but still got the warning message.

Next I deleted the .evolution and .gconf/apps/evolution folders. When
I next opened Evolution there was no warning message and it would work
but I had no mail and no custom folders.

If I add back only the original .gconf/apps/evolution folder the
result is the same - no warning message but no mail and no custom

If I add back only the original .evolution folder I get my mail and
custom folders but also the warning message and the problem again.

I don't understand enough about Linux to know what to do next - I'd be
grateful if someone could please help me get my Evolution back in
working order.


Paul Leyland <pcl23 gen cam ac uk>        | Hanging on in quiet desperation is
Dept. of Genetics, Cambridge University   |     the English way.
Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EH, UK    | The time is gone, the 
song is over.
Tel: +44-1223-333963 Fax: +44-1223-333992 | Thought I'd something more to say.
<< signature.asc >>

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