Re: [Evolution] Evolution and LDAP addressbook

Am Donnerstag, den 08.06.2006, 12:48 +0300 schrieb Yavor Doganov:
You mean you have several dn's?
Ugh, what I meant to ask is if you have several base directories,
e.g. dc=foo,dc=com and dc=bar,dc=org.  If so, this should not be a
problem for Evo.
No, no. I had several cn's. This worked with other services very good:
user administration (cn=users,dc=domain,dc=net),
DNS(cn=zones,dc=domain,dc=net), mail servers (cn=users,dc=domain,dc=net)
and so on. All these services were administrated with LDAP.

The one and only service which does not work correctly with this
configuration is Evolution...

Now my configuration looks like this:
user administration (cn=users,dc=domain,dc=net),
DNS(cn=zones,dc=domain,dc=net), mail servers (cn=users,dc=domain,dc=net)
and so on: first slapd listening on port 636
Evolution: second slapd on port 389

Everything is fine now :-)

Best regards


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