Re: [Evolution] Evolution not working - can't find a solution!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andre Klapper" <ak-47 gmx net>
To: "Peter Barnes" <scribus operamail com>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution not working - can't find a solution!
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 18:45:00 +0200

hi peter,

Am Donnerstag, den 01.06.2006, 17:00 +0100 schrieb Peter Barnes:
I have now replied in the Evo mailing list but a copy of the message
is pasted below. Your guidance has got me back my Evo and I am very
grateful. It look slike I will have to fill in all the account details
again but that is not much comapred with having all my mail back and a
working Evo. And I will keep your advice for the future. Do you mind
if I post it on the Ubuntu Forum where no-one responded to my original
sorry for the late answer - i was on vacation for a week.

of course, feel free to post it to the ubuntu forum, but *if* you plan
to mention names, it would be kind to also mention guenther who
originally wrote that guide. :-)

Thanks for the help you gave. I did post back to the Ubuntu Forum with guenther's new page on this subject:

I also sent him a copy of the problem email at his request and hope that we will hear something about that if 
he finds out what caused the problem.


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