Re: [Evolution] addressbook only partly visible (2nd time)

Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 23:51 +0200, Joep Blom wrote:
1; What I did was an upgrade from FC4 to FC5 but -unknowingly - the procedure crashed due to an error in reading the DVD, removing but not reinstalling practically all X-applications, including Evolution.
Did you run the "check disk" option on the DVD before installing from
it? I make it a rule to do this at least once for any new Fedora CD or
DVD. I've been burned by this before ...


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No (I know, it is only the second time I was bitten), however, when I checked it in the CDRW on which it was burned, it was clean! and actually could be used (but the the disaster was already there).

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