Re: [Evolution] Cannot get JESCS plugin to show calendar items

On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 18:14 +0800, Harry Lu wrote:
If it works, the jescs button should be shown together with the
mail/addressbook etc buttons.

In your case, please close evolution first, open a terminal, go
to /usr/libexec(or lib)/evolution/2.6, find evolution-jescs and run it.
Then run evolution itself.  There will be some messages in the terminal.
If there is already an evolution-jescs running, you need to kill it.  If
you want to see the traffic between the connector and the server, please
export EVOLUTION_JESCS_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1 before you run evolution-jescs.
All right, that did the trick!  Had to explicitly set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
point to where eshell lives, and had a crash on the way (debugging
output attached), but JESCS now works - at least to the point where I
can see my appointments.

Should evolution-jescs run automatically in some way when Evolution
starts, or will I have to "hand-start" it when I log in?

Thanks for the help, I will let the other Evolution users around here
know about the required fixes.


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