Re: [Evolution] "generic error" subscribing to another users calendar

On 5/15/06, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:

ok, so this happens when subscribing to another user's calendar.

can you please get a E2K_DEBUG=4 trace - see the sections "To attach gdb
to a running process" and "Exchange Connector Debug" at for the details.
Andre --

I issued the following commands in a terminal:
pvanlone p02-dcs13:~> evolution --force-shutdown
pvanlone p02-dcs13:~> env E2K_DEBUG=4

and then started EVO normally -- and tried to subscribe to a users
calendar. I got the usual "generic error" again, but when I look at
the /tmp/exchange.out file that I specified, it has only:

env: $/opt/gnome/lib/evolution/2.6/evolution-exchange-storage: No such
file or directory

I am assuming this is an error or syntax or something from my
environment command? I attempted the "subscribe to .." procedure
again, just to see if the log file updated, and it did not.

Can you see what is wrong with the env command that I issued? The path
is correct, and I assume that the instruction "{install_prefix}" in
the example below means to include the full path to where
"evolution-exchange-storage" is found??? :

run the command 'env E2K_DEBUG=4
${install_prefix}/libexec/evolution-exchange-storage >&
/tmp/exchange.out' [ You can replace 4 in the command with any of the
digits mentioned earlier ]

> I can't upgrade evo until novell fixes the supplementary repos --
> there is a a dependency error when trying to upgrade.

hmm, which one exactly?
that has since been fixed, and I am now at 2.6 (as you probably noticed ..)


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