Re: [Evolution] Thread Message View, Calendar View and general UI

On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 13:13 -0500, Trey Sizemore wrote:
On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 09:13:28 +0100
"Reinhard Brandstaedter" <Reinhard Brandstaedter jku at> wrote:

On Thu, 2006-11-02 at 20:39 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote: 
hi reinhard,

Am Donnerstag, den 02.11.2006, 13:56 +0100 schrieb Reinhard
What information is used for threading if i don't use the fall
method by subject. Maybe the information is stripped by groupwise
virus scanner?
Evolution supports "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" headers.
"Thread-*" headers are Microsoft's proprietary headers and not
It seems to me exactly this doesn't happen!
If I switch OFF "Fall back to threading messages by subject" I don't
get threads at all!
I only get threads when this option is switched to ON but if i thread
by subject it's not correct.

I've checked the mail sources and they contain the correct header
information. KMail for example threads the messages correct, even if
only thread by header information and not Subject.


To get proper threading with a Groupwise backend, you need to use the
IMAP protocol vs. SOAP for connecting to the mail server.  There's
and take here with regard to appointments and such, but I like my
threads, so I start Evo with 'USE_IMAP=1 evolution'

Try this and see if it's better for you (as long as IMAP is enabled on
that server).
Well that solved my problem for the thread view, thanks a lot.
However I have to check if there are problems with appointments this
What is the reason threading doesn't work via SOAP though? Can this be
solved (in a future version maybe?)?


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