Re: [Evolution] synching e-mail on two systems

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 15:44 -0500, Jonathan Slavin wrote:
For future reference (and forgive my ignorance -- I haven't used IMAP
before) it seems that IMAP keeps all messages on the server, correct?
Isn't that likely to eventually run me into problems with my ISP for
using too much space.  Does one lose access to ones old messages after
a while?
IMAP allows you to decide where to keep your mail. If you want to
offload the server, just drag some messages to a local folder (not
forgetting to Empty Trash to free up server space). If you want to have
access to your mail from anywhere, keep them on the server. I do that
with my work mail and believe me it's a lifesaver if you travel. Also
the server admins get to do the backups, not me :-) If you worry about
not always having connectivity, you can always sync your server mail
with a local folder.

Whether or not you run into quota limits is entirely a question of the
server policy, not the protocol. I'm constantly seeing mail bounces
caused by people's POP accounts filling up because they don't bother
maintaining them.

Many ISPs only support POP because it's less work for them, but there
are some good IMAP commercial services out there, for example


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