Re: [Evolution] online webcal task list

On Fri, 2006-11-24 at 00:19 +0000, Kristian Nilssen wrote:
I'd like to use the online feature of the task list to publish my task
list on our apache intranet server. Is there a plugin for apache to let
me do this? I don't want to store my stuff on the internet.
As of now only the calendar information can be published to a web

Also, what is this webcal:// url notation I see in Evolution when I try
to create a new task list online? 
It is used to view a shared task-list from the web (eg: in a read only mode.

Is there some protocol that goes with
this? Is it easy to implement in, say, mod_perl on apache?
The local task-lists (under 'On this computer') are stored
in .evolution/tasks/local/ in the form of a .ics file. You could write a
small script to push the file to the web server.

- Chenthill.

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