Re: [Evolution] Evo2.6+OpenSuse10.1+PalmTX=?

This might be a known problem with Suse 10.1. See the following:

Issue on gnome-pilot mailing list:

Bug reports:

If this doesn't work, it's a new problem. If you can, run gpilotd in a console window and send the
output to the gnome-pilot list (this sounds like a gnome-pilot issue, not an Evolution one).


--- Thom DeCarlo <PixelPusher cox net> wrote:

(since that last message worked...)
For me, that combination ends in failure. I cannot find anyway to
perform a network sync (my prefered method) between the pda and
Evolution, and attempting the sync via the USB cable crashes the pda
with a soft reset (no data is lost). 

Has anyone gotten this particular combination of hardware and software
to work? Can you give me a step-by-step? Maybe there is some
documentation that I missed, but checked fairly closely.


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