Re: [Evolution] OWA over Internet and Evolution Connector

On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 09:27 +0200, Ambrogio wrote:
Hi all,

I configured yesterday for the first time the evolution connector
because I got an Exchange account :-(

The account is only usable by outlook or OWA (told me the
administrator :-) )

Ok, now the problems are:
1. When I'm out of the office I can use the account only by OWA and not
by outlook.
   Is this also true for evolution connector?

2. And, if the first is false, when I connect to the OWA URL, I have to
authenticate first with an RSA token, and after with user and password
for the email account. Is this usable by evolution connector?
not sure, but you can ry using evolution-brutus.

Tnx to all
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Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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