Re: [Evolution] scheduling resources with the exchange connector

On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 01:28 -0500, Peter Van Lone wrote:
Is there a way to schedule resources when using the exchange
connector? What happens is that the calendar invitation is sent with
the resouce being listed as an invitee. I am told this is a limitation
of Outlook Web Access ....

apparently when using "LookOut", this is not what happens, and so the
appointment goes on the resource calendar. However, when the resource
is an invitee, then there is noone to accept the invite, so it never
gets to the calendar.

How can I resolve this for an environment where resources are used heavily?

I have some ideas:

1)would Brutus work, since it accesses exchange with MAPI calls? Can
the "brutus plugin" (I've never used it, so I don't know if that's
what it is called) co-exist with the evo exchange connector, or is it
An evolution-brutus (e-b) account can coexist with an evolution-exchange
account. As for whether the scheduling of resources will work...

Resources, in MAPI, are just another kind of attendees to a meeting.
Resources are BCC'ed while real attendees are addressed directly or
CC'ed if they are optional. e-b has full support for reading this into
Evolution, but I haven't got the time yet to enable Evolution to write
this information into Exchange.


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