Re: [Evolution] CalDAV Calendar that will not die


Am Dienstag, den 12.09.2006, 17:40 -0500 schrieb James D Bearden:
Can anybody please tell me where I can find a big stick to whack a
defunct CalDAV calendar that will not die? I was trying to set up
something else and tried caldav to see if that would work. I never got
it working but now I have this useless CalDAV calendar that I can't
please upgrade to a moire recent version, like 2.6.2 or 2.6.3 where this
has been fixed (

workaround for 2.6.1:

either update your evolution, or 
1. fire up gconf-editor, choose apps->evolution->calendar->sources
and *carefully* delete entries related to CalDAV. 
2. evolution --force-shutdown
3. use evolution again


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