Re: [Evolution] Win32 installation

Andre Klapper a écrit :

Am Freitag, den 15.09.2006, 13:44 +0200 schrieb Christophe Mailhebuau:
Il try to install the new version to evolution to win32, but when i launch it evolution not run.
Which version? :-)

For your interest: Binaries for the "normal" 32-bit Windows are
available on the Gnome FTP site at - check out the
README files first! Please note that Novell does not provide official
support or maintenance for this port.
Mark Pinto wrote an end-user-friendly all-in-one installer which is
currently available at .


Version is : Evolution-2.6.2-5.msi download on sourceforge.

I try this howto (
to install correctly but not run.

The process are load in task list, i don't know what must i do to run it.

Christophe Mailhebuau,
Direction du Système d'Information
Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine
Tel :

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