Re: [Evolution] Archiving mail, suggestion

On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 10:48 +0000, devel wrote:
El dom, 15-04-2007 a las 23:03 +0530, Ritesh Khadgaray escribiÃ:
On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 19:04 +0000, devel wrote:
Hello, It is posible archive mail by months and years?
Yes, but you would have to do it manually, or using a filter. Evolution
is not comparable with outlook in this regard.

On a additional note, i believe evolution seems to slow down with a
folder greater than 1gig in size, afaik.
Manually,..., in a computer manually is not good thing, remember the
philosophy of biggest software company:
As i said "or using filters" .

-- If you know click you know about computers.
Only the easiest win and survive.

"Store" know that mail is there but not used usually. Indexes only.
My last experience with Outlook was about 3years ago, and i do remember
Outlook had this feature of archiving mails, though i never used it.

On evolution, the mails can be moved using filters, and thats about it
afaik .

I think that version of evolution (2.0.2) that I use have this problems:
- Virtual folders do not scan all folders, for example searching for
important, or to do later classified mail.
Odd, what is the vfolder rule being used ?
Under Search folder sources is "all active folders" selected ?

If this is indeed a bug, file it with centos/rhel .

Work, this is very powerful.
I presume the problem no longer exists ?

- Storage of old mail is not automatic.
sorry, i really did not understand this. 

- Mail is stored in the same folder of evolution configuration, I think
that mail folder should be in HOME/mail or something like this, to
backup purposes.
stored under $HOME/.evolution/
Evolution allows you to save mail in a non-standard path ,i.e., not
~/.evolution . To use this feature create a new account which point to a
local mbox, or maildir box. I have note used this feature.

imho for unix, a user's home directory is supposed to be backed up .

My opinion:
For backup purposes mail that have one month or more is not very usable,
but should be archived.
Evolution does not need to have it in memory, but can know that this
mail is there.
I think that a good think is store mail in folder like $HOME/my_mail,
where Evolution store mail with automatic method. For example something
like this:

----First week
----First week
Probably a job for vfolder ?


Store all mail can be so hard if keep in memory, for this reason only
indexes should be used.
Currently i have close to 1.5gig mails , all of which are part of a
vfolder or two. Evolution consumes 143megs of resident memory

And evolution-data-server, about 251megs of resident memory. 

Then again, i use 2.10.x version.

This is my opinion.

- Evolution seems to have problems using local copy of IMAP when IMAP
server is inaccesible.
Right click on imap folder, and check if "Offline mode" is enabled .

In this version (2.0.2) if server is inaccesible I can not see the mail.
In other way if server have a problem I can not save the local copy
(enabled) of mail because I can not see or use it.
Offline mode downloads email, which you can read when you are
disconnected from internet .

To check this, enable offline mode and select File->Offline mode. Try
reading mails from imap folder.

ps : do not move mails out of imap folder when disconnected, evolution
to me atleast, does not synchronize this with imap server as Outlook

Ritesh Khadgaray
à ààà ààààà ààà
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919970164885
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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