Re: [Evolution] CalDAV - any successes out there

On Sun, 2007-02-11 at 10:01 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
I've been struggling with CalDAV and Evolution for a while now.  I've
had some minor successes but, in general, I can not get it to work

I've tried various servers, including Cosmo, RSCDS and Bedework (all at
various version levels) and Evolution 2.4.x, 2.6.x and 2.8.x.  I managed
to get something approaching stability using Evo 2.6.x and Cosmo 0.3,
but that broke when going to either Evo 2.8 or Cosmo >0.3.  RSCDS worked
for a little while with Evo 2.8, but stopped recently when I went to Evo
2.8.2 (it will store events, but can't see them) - the RSCDS
installation is fine because Sunbird happily sees the events.

So *is* anyone using CalDAV successfully on Evo?  If so what server &
versions do you use?  All I want to do is to read and update a personal
calendar from 3 or 4 different machines.
There hasn't been any replies to this - so can I assume that no one has
successfully got CalDAV working?

What about the developers?  Do they have a reference system for testing
CalDAV?  If so, what do they use?


ps Can I just say that I *don't* use Exchange in any form whatsoever -
if the recent traffic on this list is to be believed, I seem to be
unique :-)

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