Re: [Evolution] A couple of problems I have with Evo 2.8.0 - SOLVED #1

On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 12:50 -0700, Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 20:25 -0400, Internaut at Large wrote: 
I add the following to evolution-mail-message.xml:
<       <toolitem name="MessageMove" verb=""
<        _label="Move"
<        pixtype="pixbuf"/>

Unfortunately, I have to do so every time I upgrade ... 

That helps, but it gives me a blank button (invisible) with no icon -
how do I make the icon visible (or change the appearance to allow text
with or instead of the icons)?
Update: I moved the toolitem from the end of the toolbar to between the
forward and the separator and suddenly it has an icon now.  Hmm....



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