Re: [Evolution] How to change font size in Evolution

Thank you so much. That is a life-saver!


On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 05:37 -0600, Jacob Johnny wrote:
Composer : Format-> HTML.

- Johnny

On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 07:25 -0400, Dinbandhu wrote:
Is there a way to change the font size in evolution? If so, how?
Also, if there is a way to change to a different font, should one desire
to do so, how is that done?
What looks to me like it should be the font area of the toolbar in the
new letter window in my evolution (Evolution 2.10.1) is always grayed
out. Is there a way for those options to be activated so I can use them?
There seems to be a section of five different font-related options on
the tool bar of the new letter window in Evolution 2.10.1 which should
be addressing the issues of font, font size, underline, bold, cross-out,
color options, etc. But it is always grayed out. How can I activate

Many thanks,

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