Re: [Evolution] Security Certificates

On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 10:15 -0600, Richard Werst wrote:
I run Evolution on two computers, one running Fedora 6, and one running
Debian Etch.  Both have the same settings for the accounts, and on the
Debian machine I receive a warning:

SSL Certificate check for

Issuer:            OU=Equifax Secure Certificate
Subject: ,O=Google Inc.,L=Mountain
Fingerprint:       59:51:61:89:cd:dd:b2:35:94:bb:44:97:a0:39:d5:b4
Signature:         BAD

Do you wish to accept?

The first time I make a send/receive request.

If I accept the certificate, Evolution both sends and recieves normally
until I close the program or reboot the computer, at which time I get
the same warning when the program is opened and the send/receive comand
is issued again.

Anyone else?

Anything I can do?

Try to run:

chmod 700 $HOME/.evolution

and see if it helps. You probably have to accept the certificate once


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