Re: [Evolution] Problem running evolution-2.10.1-29.9 from SuSE 10.2 Stable Repository

On Mon, 2007-07-30 at 03:18 -0600, Sankar P wrote:
On Sun, 2007-07-29 at 22:36 +0800, Murray Trainer wrote:

I have installed the latest stable Evolution and updated all the other
related Gnome updates but I am getting it starting with no icons and the
errors below.  Any ideas?
May be try launching gnome-theme-manager and select a different theme.

Hi Sankar,

It appears that the gnome-themes rpm is missing a lot of the themes that
were there previously.  The themes below were in the old version of
Gnome in the SuSE 10.2 distribution:

AgingGorilla                   LowContrast            Xenophilia
Atlanta                        LowContrastLargePrint  XenoThin
Bright                         Mac2                   Xfce
Clean                          Metabox                Xfce-4.0
Clearlooks                     Metal                  Xfce-b5
ColorStep                      Mist                   Xfce-basic
Crux                           NewPsychicAbilities    Xfce-cadmium
Default                        Notif                  Xfce-curve
Emacs                          Pixmap                 Xfce-dawn
Esco                           Qt                     Xfce-kde2
Glider                         Raleigh                Xfce-kolors
HighContrast                   Redmond                Xfce-light
HighContrastInverse            Redmond95              Xfce-redmondxp
HighContrastLargePrint         Simple                 Xfce-saltlake
HighContrastLargePrintInverse  SphereCrystal          Xfce-smooth
Industrial                     Step                   Xfce-stellar
LargePrint                     ThinIce                Xfce-winter

I updated to all the rpm's in the SuSE 10.2 STABLE repository and the
list is much less as follows:

Clean       Mac2                 Notif   Raleigh    Xenophilia
ColorStep   Metal                Pixmap  Redmond95  XenoThin
Industrial  NewPsychicAbilities  Qt      Step

Is there some other rpm I need to install to get the others?



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