Re: [Evolution] [Fwd: Re: Evolution-Connector W/ Exchange 2007]

Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:
Mistakenly, I had hit reply - instead of Reply All.  Here is the


V. Varadhan

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Veerapuram Varadhan <vvaradhan novell com>
To: Peter Van Lone <petervl gmail com>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution-Connector W/ Exchange 2007
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 18:12:43 +0530

On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 07:18 -0500, Peter Van Lone wrote:
On 6/20/07, Ow Mun Heng <Ow Mun Heng wdc com> wrote:

That is good to hear. The upgrade to Exchange 2007 was inevitable for
most companies and mine got chomped into it as well.

Looking forward to the new release
you call this good news, huh?

The fact that many many months after release of the current product,
we find that there is 1 (one!) developer resource taked with "figuring
it out" and that after a couple weeks from now that 1(one!) develper
will (assuming other things don't get in the way) turn attention to it

Good god .. no wonder the connector is unuseable. I had high hopes for
a linux desktop, in part based on the expectation of having a fully
compatible groupware client for exchange.

Revere engineered products/projects do lack 100% compatibility and
release deadlines.  You can help us gain more momentum, by providing
more insights on WebDAV / OWA interface in Exchange 2007, point us to KB
articles or some other links that can help us proceed little faster.
Evolution exchange connector (2.11.x) is still quite stable for Exchange
2003 and Exchange 2000 (if any) users.  Its getting better and better in
every releases that we make.  So, I would say, keep your hopes high and
lets help each other to achieve what we want.

We do not have that situation -- so some 70% of the networks out
there, are that much further out of range.

These are not really out of range, still achievable.


V. Varadhan

It would be ideal if it could bypass OWA and just access the MAPI interface. Maybe the Openchange MAPI libs will help to achieve this.

Due to the move to M$ Exchange Server,
   anything that is a priority, please phone.
Robin Laing

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