Re: [Evolution] Email conversion problems going from Outlook to Netscape to Evolution

On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 11:38 -0700, Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
I am a recent convert to Linux - CentOS 4.4, then 5.0 to be specific.

I had a ton of email in my Outlook folders that I wanted to import
into Evolution, but it doesn't do that.  The recommended method was to
convert to some other, supported email program and then convert from
there to Evolution.

So, I converted all my email from Outlook to Netscape (which sucks),
and from there attempted to convert to Evolution.  Two problems

1) Evolution did not recognize my Netscape email at all.  Hence, it
did not suck in all my NS email.  I don't know why - it's in the right

2) I tried to import all my email one folder at a time.  That worked
up to a point: NS uses compressed files to contain some of my email,
and Evolution did not recognize those at all.

When I went from CentOS 4.4 to 5.0 (Gnome 2.16.0) I hoped this would
be "fixed" but alas, no such luck....

So, how do I get those (gobs of) compressed email messages into Evolution?
Not sure, but does Thunderbird support importing mail from Netscape ?
If yes, you could try in 3stages  Netscape->Thunderbird->Evolution ( the
last stag is optional ).

I had used this method for MS outlook ( pst files ) -> Thunderbird
( windows )sd -> Evolution .


Ritesh Khadgaray
à ààà ààààà ààà
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919970164885
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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