Re: [Evolution] Evolution/Gnome? bypasses CUPS printer security

On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 17:08 +0800, Murray Trainer wrote:
I have installed Evolution evolution-2.8.2-5 on SuSE 10.2 with KDE 3.5.5
and cups-1.2.7-3.  We want users individual printers isolated from each
other.  Cups 1.2 is supposed to do this.  If I su to each user and do an
lpstat -t I can't see other users printers.  When I print something in
Konqueror, OpenOffice and Firefox I can't see other users printers as
expected.  Somehow Evolution bypasses this security and lists other
users printers when I go to print an e-mail.  I am not sure if this is a
Gnome or Evolution issue.  Any workarounds or fixes for this problem
would be greatly appreciated.
Evolution 2.8 uses the deprecated libgnomeprint for its printing API,
which is likely where the problem lies.  Evolution 2.10 migrated to
GTK's printing API [1].  GTK's printing API may have addressed this
issue, I'm not sure.

In either case, Evolution itself is not doing anything that would bypass
CUPS security.

Matthew Barnes


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