Re: [Evolution] Moving to Evo from Thunderbird?

On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 13:42 +1000, Ian Mortimer wrote:
On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 11:38 -0500, Chris Williams wrote:

I can't be the only exception to this.  I've been using Evo since
it's .9x days on various flavors of Fedora Core, and recently Ubuntu.
In all this time, I have only seen Evo crash a handful of times.  My
initial impression is that Exchange users are the ones that seem to
suffer the most, is that the case?  
Seems like it might be.  I've been using Evolution for a long time also
and found it very stable until we moved to Exchange.  Not only does
Evolution crash more often it generates a bug report on just about every
exit (and has a acquired a few other annoying habits like multiple
password prompts).  
Just to reiterate: I can't speak to stability problems with Exchange,
but I get stability problems anyway and I've never used Exchange in any
shape or form.


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