Re: [Evolution] Evolution exchange & notes

Hi Thomas..

On 07/11/2007, Thomas Sondag <thomas microdop org> wrote:
Hi everybody,

I just would like to know if there is a way to tell evolution to use the
Notes stored on our exchange server (memo in evolution terminology) ?

to be frank, 'Notes' in Exchange does not conveniently correspond to 'Memos' in Evolution.
However, the good news is that it is being implemented as a part of the Exchange MAPI plugin i.e. you would be able to use Exchange notes as Evolution memos.. :-)

Using the exchange-connector-setup-2.12, I already manage to setup my mail
/ calendar / contact list / task, but not the Notes, can I try to hack
directly into gconf ?

Thanks a lot, and please tell me if this is not possible,

Nope.. This is not possible.. :-(

Thomas Sondag < thomas sondag microdop org>

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