Re: [Evolution] Preferences dialog delay

On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 21:25 -0500, Caleb Marcus wrote:
When I select Preferences from the Edit menu, the menu appears to
freeze for a few seconds before the preferences dialog finally shows
up. This can be a little disconcerting... am I the only one who sees
this, or is it really this slow? 

I faced it sometime back and found that it will be caused when bbdb
(automatic contacts plugin) is working in full-swing. 

This is obviously a problem and am planning to take the sync-part out of
preferences-launching. This should be in 2.22 series soon.

Anyways, to make sure what you are facing is the same issue, can you
attach to gdb and get traces when you face the delay after you click on
preferences ?

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