[Evolution] Evo FAQ -- Was Re: Evo 2.10.0 to Evo 2.12.0 on new drive?

I think we'd save a lot of people a lot of grief if the Help file
pointed to this FAQ, and if this list included the URL of the FAQ in
every message. Note that if you register at www.go-evolution.org you can
add material to the FAQ, which would make it even better.


PS I've edited the Subject of this message to include the word FAQ so as
to make it easier to find. I only came across it by searching the bodies
of archived messages, because I remembered that it had been posted once.

On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 09:31 +1000, Andrew Greig wrote:
On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 18:38 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Wrong. That's what he did and it didn't work.


Thanks Patrick, 

that link is much more help than the Help File in Evo.

At last I can feel comfortable moving on.

Andrew Greig

On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 16:24 -0500, Ness, Todd wrote:
simply copy your .evolution directory and all of it's contents

On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 07:14 +1000, Andrew Greig wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to know how to back up my current Evo so that I can install
a new system and have everything "just work" ie signatures, email,
contacts, folders.  Can I just delete the cache expecting it to be
I have installed Mandriva 2008 on another drive and copied ~/.evolution
to a USB key with my ~/Documents  and ~/Pictures folders.  I copied the
files into the new /home/andrew directory and then started Evolution.  I
needed to enter all my email account details again and I am missing
quite a bit of stuff. This was a dry run to see if I could get it right.

Any ideas how I screwed up, and what I may do differently, please?

Andrew Greig
Community Distributor, OpenOffice.org 
Melbourne, Australia

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