Re: [Evolution] Evolution Exchange in Ubuntu Hardy

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 22:01 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
Pardon my unfamiliarity with Ubuntu, but what exactly were the
Evolution versions that you found to be stable on 32-bit and unstable
on 64-bit?
I've been running the latest SVN head versions on Ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10
since about last August, so that's 2.21.9x and 2.22.x.  I was building
my own gtkhtml, e-d-s, evolution, and evolution-exchange for a while,
then when the backward-incompatibilities in libsoup etc. came along
earlier this year I also started building glib, libsoup, and libbonobo
myself.  They were/are working fine.

Ubuntu's releases are scheduled to arrive just after each Gnome release,
so Hardy contains the just-released version of Gnome and Evolution,
2.22.  I'm not sure the minor version; I'll check tomorrow (the 64bit
system is at work).

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