Re: [Evolution] Synchronize Evolution with Google contacts

On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 13:59 +0200, Danail Nedyalkov wrote:
I'm searching for a way to synchronize my contacts in Evolution with
those in Google, but it seems there isn't any yet. I found out, there
is a Google Contacts API, 
Yep there is.

so an integration into Evolutions shouldn't
be a problem, should it ?
Right! There is a GSOC Proposal for it. checkout for "Google addressbook
integration (sync) for Evolution" in

 Is there any way to do that at the moment or
are there any future plans?
Well currently, i just export the contacts from Google and import it in

Thank you!

Danail Nedyalkov
Evolution-list mailing list
Evolution-list gnome org
Johnny Jacob jjohnny novell com

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